What will be the maximum number of indexes per table?
What stored by the model?
What is the purpose of object explorer and its features? : sql server management studio
What is the difference between Stored Procedure , Function and Package, 1. how many blocks in Package and what are they.
if we have a column (Key) in a table. and values of that column is Key 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 and we want to show the data after query..like.. 1(3) 2(3) 3(2) 4(2) 5(3) how many times a single term comes..
17 Answers 3i Infotech, Rolta, TCS,
What is a mixed extent?
What are cursors? Explain the different types of cursors Enlist a few disadvantages of cursors.
What is the difference between Temporary table variable and a Table variable? Or Which Table variable I should use inside Stored procedure?
3 Answers Microsoft, TCS, Techastrum,
What happens if ntwdblib.dll is missing on your machine?
How to list all columns in a table using odbc_columns()?
What is the significance of master, tempdb and model databases?
Distinguish between nested subquery and correlated subquery?
How retrieve field names from the table in SQL through JAVA code?