Tell me something about urself ?

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Tell me something about urself ?..

Answer / robintomar

myself robin tomar. i m pursing bsc in delhi university with computer science. i have complete my intermediate from vss inter collage with 82 %.and i have complete my high school from same collage with 80%
my hobbies playing cricket and listening strenght is that i always ready to face any sort situation
even i am new in that field..... and my weakness is that i
always ready to help other due to this every one make me do
their work easily...... thank you

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Tell me something about urself ?..

Answer / hargovind mogiya

Good morning sir / madam
Well my name is Hargovind Mogiya
I am from guna I have just completed BA from jiwaji university Gwalior
There are seven members in my family me my brothers and three sisters
My hobbies playing cricket listening to music
that's all about my self

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Tell me something about urself ?..

Answer / ash javaid majeid

Hi.. GoodMorning . Dear Once & Near Once call me ASH SHEIKH
i Hold Bachelor Degree in Computer Science
Specialization. Presently Pursuing MBA in Business
Administration. I was Born & Jammu and ksahmir srinagar .
coming to
Family our is nuclear Family of Seven. My Wife Ashiya
javaid is Worlds number one my whifeis my life.
my Wife she is BA.
coming to Hobbies Playing Football, Making friends,
chatting with friends, Reading News paper, some times
reading magazines. coming to my Strength .. Honesty,
positive Thinking, Sincerity.Coming to my Weakness.. My
friends, My shines, some times trust others, go to the bed
late night.
coming to my ambnation
to be became a Good Keep Position in Business.
This is my brief introduction

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 5 No

Tell me something about urself ?..

Answer / rita sharma

Good Morning
I am Rita sharma. I was working with a company named atoz
market (EXPLAIN PLACE and PROFILE and EXP). I have Completed
my graduation from SIES college nerul i have done my
graduation in BSC. I have completed my SSC and HSC from
Mahatma Education Society which is in panvel. basically i am
mumbaiker from past 18 years i am living in Panvel.
(HOBBIES). (Your Personal VIEW towards Life). (if asked)
Well About my family(FAMILY DETAILS).

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 2 No

Tell me something about urself ?..

Answer / prairana

my name is prairana singh.
i have done my 10th and 12th from christ church college,ISC
board with 83% and 77.4% respectively.
i m pursuing my last year of BCA and cleared first 2 years
with aggregate of 82.8%.
i am also pursuing 'A'- level from DOEACC society.
my father's name is mr. k.b.singh and he is working as
marketing executive in singhal paints. my mother's name is
mrs. sudha singh and she is running her private english
coaching at home. i have one younger sister she is in class 6th.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 1 No

Tell me something about urself ?..

Answer / nil

Gud morning Sir...
I am nilesh chakkar. I am from chinchwad. Sir . basically
i come from middle class family with rich cultural and
education background. My father is working in Force Motors
as worker. My mother is housermaker. I have elder sister
she is charted accountant. She is married one year before
and settle in pune.
Sir. i have completed my school education from Modern
High School,Nigadi I have completed my college education
from SMV college Akurdi. Then i had taken admission for
engineering in D.Y.Patil College of Engineering for IT
In first year of engineering i just focused on my study
because many of my seniors gave me suggestion that first
year in engineering is little bit tough so i gave my 100%
on academics. In second yr i realize that any sofware
engineering must have some extra key attributes apart from
study. In order to achive that qulity attributes i had
taken part in many of technical events held in our college.
We did computer hardware installation workshop where we
learnt each and everything regaridng how to assemble your
own computer with all hardware details. We also learn
differnet networking concepts like router,hub, switches
too. In third i was the co-ordinator for Texplosion2k8
which is technical event held in our clg since last many
year. That was reallly challenging time in my life where i
learnt many things . how to work in team . how to interact
with people and many more.. In third year we made project
on Hotel Mangaement System sponsored by Hotel Bhola and in
last year we have made project on COLS eBuddy which is
sponsored by KPIT cummins. We successfully delivered both
of these project as per their requirements.
My career goal is i want challenging entry level
position in your organisation where i apply my software and
haredware skills in order to contribute the growth of your
My strenghts are i m team player, i have good
communication skills, i am flexible and dynamic , positive
attitude,goal oriented, passionate person etc.
So sir . plz give me one chance to prove myself in your
organization . sir i will do my best as per job
Thank You ..

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 4 No

Tell me something about urself ?..

Answer / ashish

GUD MORNING Every Body!!!
Myself Ashish Sharma.i m from kanpur.i have completed my
inter from united public well as i have completed my from BHU.currently i m working as a chief engineer in roorkee. i have 3+me siblies
in my family.i have 6 month experience
strength is that i always ready to face any sort situation
even i am new in that field..... and my weakness is that i
always ready to help other due to this every one make me do
their work easily...... thank you any question from you.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 1 No

Tell me something about urself ?..

Answer / kamesh v.a

I m Md.I am kamesh
I have done my class 12 in ISC from St.Jude`s High School.
I have also done Computer Hardware + Network course from
Core Resource Centre.I have a 2years experiance in this
field.Right now i m working in cyber cafe as a Hardware +
Network Administrator.

My Father`s is a Small Businessman.My Mother`s is a
Housewife.I have 2sisters & 2brothers.
My both sisters are housewives.My elder brother he is
working in call centre as a team leader & My younger
brother he is studying in graduation

Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 13 No

Tell me something about urself ?..

Answer / neeraj panchal

I m Neeraj Panchal. I m a permanent resident of Gurgaon.I m
enegetic and young guy 24 years of age.Regarding my
education I have done senior secondary with an aggregate of
70.3% and Higher senior secondary with an aggregate of 74.3
% and from KV No2 AFS Jodhpur.Did B.E in Computer Science
with an aggregate of 65% from college of technology and
engineering udaipur.Regarding My family, I m from a well
educate family.My father is an AIR force officer my mother
is a housewife and my sister is R.J in Fm gold channel.
My hobbies are photography, riding bikes.I have a great
inclination towards singing and earned lots of prizes in
singing competetion. My strong point is that i m an
optimistic person and never give upin my life and very
suitable to work under pressure and in a team as well.
My weakness is that i m a loose temper person and get angry
on small unwanted matters but i get cool very immedaitely

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 6 No

Tell me something about urself ?..

Answer / sumit

my self is sumit kumar prasad.i m from DOB is
24th april 1986.I had completed my matriculation examitaion
in the yr2002 then i went for HS and passed it in the yr
2004 now in persud BCom gradutaion and passed it yr2007
from Barrackpore rastraguru surendra nath college under
callcuta university. my Hobbies are playing cricket and
listening all types of music speccialy i loved sufi
songs.right now i m freshers and looking for a job.
thank you.

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 8 No

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