Does sql profiler affect performance?
What are sql functions? Describe the different types of sql functions?
What is difference between hql and native sql?
What is triggering circuit?
How to count the no of records of a table without using COUNT function?
Which software is used for pl sql programming?
What is a table in a database?
What is number function in sql?
What is the difference between sql and isql*plus?
what is cursor procedure
How many types of indexes are there in sql?
What is sqlca in powerbuilder?
type type_name is table of varchar2(30) index by binary_integer for the above type you have to create a identifier... like identifier_name type_name; for the above type you can use the below first , last , prior, next , this.. if you create a cursor cursor_name is select * from scott.emp; is there any methods like above to use prior, fist , last , next , trim ,etc...