what is cursor procedure
Answer / manoj kaushik
/* Same as previous example, this time using a
** cursor. Each update commits as it is made.
create procedure increase_price_cursor
declare @price money
/* declare a cursor for the select from titles */
declare curs cursor for
select price
from titles
for update of price
/* open the cursor */
open curs
/* fetch the first row */
fetch curs into @price
/* now loop, processing all the rows
** @@sqlstatus = 0 means successful fetch
** @@sqlstatus = 1 means error on previous fetch
** @@sqlstatus = 2 means end of result set reached
while (@@sqlstatus != 2)
/* check for errors */
if (@@sqlstatus = 1)
print "Error in increase_price"
/* next adjust the price according to the
** criteria
if @price > $60
select @price = @price * 1.05
if @price > $30 and @price <= $60
select @price = @price * 1.10
if @price <= $30
select @price = @price * 1.20
/* now, update the row */
update titles
set price = @price
where current of curs
/* fetch the next row */
fetch curs into @price
/* close the cursor and return */
close curs
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