how the size of an integer is decided?
- is it based on processor or compiler or OS?

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how the size of an integer is decided? - is it based on processor or compiler or OS?..

Answer / prashant

It depend upon What kind of machine you have (16 or 32 bit)?
If you are using 16 bit machine then int requires 2 bytes of
memory and if you are using 32 bit machine then int requires
4 bytes of memory...

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how the size of an integer is decided? - is it based on processor or compiler or OS?..

Answer / vishal

In this case,

Processor : now if we consider size of ALU (16 bit or 32
bit) then int size get differed.

OS: in case of OS size of int varies in windows & linux.

Compiler : In case of compiler, C compiler has size of int 2
bytes while on same OS & processor Java compiler has 4 bytes

Finally conclusion is as per operation capacity of ALU,
operating systems are designed.

while in case of compiler i think they work in somewhat
upper layers so it doesn't matter with internal operation.

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how the size of an integer is decided? - is it based on processor or compiler or OS?..

Answer / hrishikesh

I think it is decided by Os...
Because variables are assigned memory while the program is
in execution which is done by the OS,and the "MEMORY
MANAGEMENT" is one of the important services provided by the
OS which does the "memory allocation and De allocation".

So, what will be the amount of location needed to store an
int is OS dependent .

Thanks ....,,,,

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how the size of an integer is decided? - is it based on processor or compiler or OS?..

Answer / mrutyunjay sawant

its depends upon word length of processor

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how the size of an integer is decided? - is it based on processor or compiler or OS?..

Answer / hi


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how the size of an integer is decided? - is it based on processor or compiler or OS?..

Answer / hi


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how the size of an integer is decided? - is it based on processor or compiler or OS?..

Answer / rani

I think its compiler specific bcoz a char holds 1byte in c
where as it holds 2 bytes in java.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 8 No

how the size of an integer is decided? - is it based on processor or compiler or OS?..

Answer / rahul

definitely os bcoz.c compiler occupies 2 bytes in windows
where as the same c compiler occupies 4 bytes in linux.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 11 No

how the size of an integer is decided? - is it based on processor or compiler or OS?..

Answer / rajan

it's OS, I'm sure bcoz I read this answer in Programming
Interview Exposed Book.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 13 No

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