Why static is used in c?
What do mean by network ?
What is structure and union in c?
What does char * * argv mean in c?
Where in memory are my variables stored?
Write a code to generate a series where the next element is the sum of last k terms.
difference between string and array?
In this assignment you are asked to write a multithreaded program to find the duplicates in an array of 10 million integers. The integers are between -5000,000 to 5000,000 and are generated randomly. Use 10 threads, each thread works on 1000,000 integers. Compare the time needed to accomplish the task with single thread of execution program. Do not include the time to fill the array with integers in the execution time.
wat are the two methods for swapping two numbers without using temp variable??
How can I generate floating-point random numbers?
Is there any book to know about Basics of C Language?
void main() {int i=2; printf("%d%d%d",i,++i,i++); getch(); }
What is the difference between array and structure in c?