Explain how the active power factor correction changes the wave shape of current drawn by a load to improve the power factor?
what are the advantages of power factor correction in an RLC circuit for a commercial customer, include tariffs.
what is ISDN?
why rx level is negative in telecom?
What is the typical data rate for wavelength division multiplexing?
what is the use of electronics in software company
How the GATE rank calculated?and whats the importance of GATE SCORE?And how it calculated?
Why is schottky diode called hot-carrier diode?
did signal to noise ratio have block diagram
what is a E1?
Distinguish between jfet and mosfet.
In a 2 stage RC coupled amplifier, the emitter resistance of 1st stage consists of 2 resistances (Re and Re')in series and the bypass capacitor is connected across only one of them(bigger resistance). Why?
how to know what resistance is required to stabilse the ckt performance