Why is schottky diode called hot-carrier diode?
Explain what are the applications of an inverting amplifier?
What is meant by pulse triggered devices?
What are the basic logic gates?
What is the difference between power amplifier and voltage amplifier?
What is meant by bidirectional or half-wave ac voltage controller?
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A description of the fundamental elements that are required to make a digibox. I assume that they all record nowadays?
How many 2:1 multiplexers do we need to make a 2 input xor gate?
hii m persuing b-tech.i just pass 2nd year.pls tell me what are the ways to join BARC.
what is the universal communication protocol?
16 grams of radioactive material decays into 8 grams in 10 years. How long will it take to decay to 1 gram?