What is the use of excitation table in digital electronics?
Can a transistor be obtained by connecting tow semiconductor diodes back-to-back?
which are the companies taking asl1 freshers
what is stability factor?
Can anyone Explain about TRIAC ,SCR ,JFET , UJT in simpler words...
what is BIAS current/ voltage?
what current is transistor biased?
how can we define the direction of current with needle movement of an ammeter?
What is the use of scr?
hi... if anybody wrote Airport Authority of India(ATC) examination.... pls kindly post the Questions wat they asked... specially in English & Reasonings.... it will useful to all others who are going to write AAI (Electronics) exam....
0 Answers AAI Airports Authority Of India,
Compare the features of the three transistor configurations.
What is the diffrance between transistors and thyristor and diode?