Explain why variables called the most powerful component of ssis?
How to connect ms access to sql servers through odbc?
What is the difference between 2-Tier architecture and 3-Tier architecture
15 Answers CTS, MCN Solutions, Oracle,
How to sort the query output with order by clauses in ms sql server?
What is function of ROLLUP ?
What is resource governor?
write the query for find the top 2 highest salary in sql server
36 Answers Cranes, Jayanti Software, Medi Assist, Rmax, TCS,
Do you know the policy based administration feature of sql server 2008?
How do you find the number of rows in a table?
how to know description of a table in sqlserver 2000
What do you mean by an execution plan? How would you view it?
what are the Prerequisites for Replication?
What is Dedicated Administrator Connection in sql server 2005?