How to connect ms access to sql servers through odbc?
What is 2nf normalization form?
Do you know what is similarity and difference between truncate and delete in sql?
can you any body tell me while running BCP Out in instance in sql server 2000 is getting error. Error = [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.?
create procedure proc1 (@a int) as begin if @a=1 create table #temp(a1 int) else create table #temp(a1 int) end while executeing the above code it shows error like '#temp already exist' .why it shows an error?
Explain ranking functions?
What is molap and its advantage? : sql server analysis services, ssas
application server is slow what may be the problem
Retrieve the unique rows from table without using UNIQUE and DISTINCT keywords.
What stored by the master?
What is difference between view and materialized view?
tell me what is blocking and how would you troubleshoot it? : Sql server database administration
Does windows server 2016 come with sql server?