What are the various techniques in white box testing?
what is the test strategy you followed in your company
Want to write ISTQB foundation level exam on MAY. But not yet collect a proper book nor recent dumps.Please anyone can share with me recent dumps for 2011 syllabus.or any pdf.Please its a urgent request
Without exact specification can we write test case for functional testing?
what is the difference sanith testing and smoke testing?
Can any one explain me what is difference between Test Methodology and Testing Techniques?
What is Wound Fixing?
feasibility testing ??
can any one send me the ans for this,what are different types of test scenarios?
When test plan will be prepared in v-model?
If a webapplication is handed over and you are requested to come out with a test strategy. what are all the key things will you include in test strategy?
can i manage putting fake experience in manual testing what they will do if am caught
Guys, can any one of u give the realtime example for Ad Hoc Testing