What is the command used to check locks in microsoft sql server?
What is the difference between truncate and delete statement?
6 Answers CarrizalSoft Technologies, CTS,
Explain stored procedure?
What is abstracting periodical?
how to get the salary in descending order with out using the keyword desc in sql
How can you hide the sql server instances?
What is #temp and @table variable in SQL server?
What is transact-sql language?
What is difference between Triggers and store procedure?
What is database dimension? : sql server analysis services, ssas
what is unique and xaml nonclustered index
how to get the rowid/rownumbes of a table in sqlserver
how to get the maximum among two tables,for example table 1 (dep1) have (emp_id,emp_name,salary) columns and table 2 (dept2) have (emp_id,emp_name,salary) columns,i want which employee have the maximum salary among two tables?