What is database dimension? : sql server analysis services, ssas
What are Spatial data types in SQL Server 2008
What is the difference between UNION and UNIONALL?
5 Answers CarrizalSoft Technologies, CTS,
What is SCOPE_IDENTITY() in sql
can you anybody tell me the how can you restore the master database. while migraion(one server to onther server)?
How to get the definition of a trigger back?
What stored by the tempdb ? : sql server database administration
Does partitioning help performance?
What is the difference between char, varchar and nvarchar?
How to retrieve range of 10th rows to 20 th rows from total rows from a database table.? (Not from Dataset)
10 Answers Cognizant, Infosys,
Difference between Triggers and Stored Procedure
23 Answers Claimat, HCL, Protech, Silgate,
You want to implement the one-to-many relationship while designing tables. How would you do it?
How to get a list all databases on the sql server?