What is the difference between truncate and delete statement?

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What is the difference between truncate and delete statement?..

Answer / valarmathi

truncate delete all records from the table and it is auto
commit. We can't able to rollback the data after performing
truncate operation.

delete statement delete the specific or all records from
the table. But we can able to rollback the deleted record

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What is the difference between truncate and delete statement?..

Answer / rajiv singh

Truncate deletes all rows from table. But Delete deletes
row/rows by condition.

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What is the difference between truncate and delete statement?..

Answer / sreejith s t

Both Truncate and delete deletes the rows from a table .
But we cant use where clause in truncate statement . While
doing delete operation all the deleted rows are logged in
the transaction log . It reduces the perfomance . In
truncate operation no transaction logging is happening .
Delete is Autocommited but Truncate is Not .

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What is the difference between truncate and delete statement?..

Answer / ismail hasan

truncate deletes records from a table and while truncating a
table, the table will be dropped from the database and will
again be created automatically. No where clause is
acceptable in truncate statement and one can't restore the
previous data (i.e no rollback is possible) into the table.
It's an efficient process.

Delete statement will delete a particular row(s) on your

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What is the difference between truncate and delete statement?..

Answer / vasu

Both Truncate and delete deletes the rows from a table .
But we cant use where clause in truncate statement . While
doing delete operation all the deleted rows are logged in
the transaction log . It reduces the perfomance . In
truncate operation no transaction logging is happening .
Delete is Autocommited but Truncate is Not .

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What is the difference between truncate and delete statement?..

Answer / balaji t

Identity counter can be reset in truncate whereas it is not possible in delete.Truncate dont activate trigger whereas delete can be used in triggers.truncate is a DDL command whereas delete is a DML command.

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