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CarrizalSoft Technologies Interview Questions
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What are version control tools? How are they use full can any body name few version control tools.

3 12980

How to write Negative test cases?

12 46295

What is Integration Testing and its types

7 46144

What are the three tiers of a three-tiered architecture?

6 9450

What are the five major technologies that can be used to create Client Server applications?

1 4533

What is a File server?

1 3918

What is the Classification of clients?

1 4011

What are called Non-GUI clients, GUI Clients and OOUI Clients?

1 11085

What are the benefits obtained by using the Client Server oriented TP Monitors Client Server applications?

4 6786

what is Upsizing,down-sizing?

4 17183

How do you optimize SQL queries ?

6 34308

How would you deal with a bug that no one wants to fix? Both the SDE and his lead have said they won?t fix it?

9 18552

Features and disadvantages of dataset?

2 15251

What do you mean by Requirment Coverage?

8 17249

What is checkout ?

10 12888

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Un-Answered Questions

What is the best free email program for windows 10?


Is window defender enough?


Which level of the Transformer oil got dielectric strengh? And why?


Define modeling studio in sap hana administration? : hana administration


How do I get access to mss ?


How can we fix it?


Which type of charges present on the two opposite faces of the junction?


What is the difference between Triggers and Stored Procedure?


What are the filters are available in apache hbase?


What is the use of tree data structure?


What is difference between cash flow and funds flow?


How much time would it take to extract 1 million data from infocube?


What is plist?


what is the difference between a return with transid and xctl? For example program. A is issuing return with transid to program b. Program a. Is isssuing xctl to program b?


What are the advantages of early binding?