Are there more defects in the design phase or in the coding phase?
few automation basic questions One question to write a scriot in any language you know.
what are the different types of browser compatability u will test ?
7 Answers ControlNet, FIC, First Indian Corporation,
hi sir, Mfsi_krushnas [Mindfire Solutions] i think ur answers are good........ pls mail me ur institute address .... r u faculty? i need database testing on sql server..., what is the market for db testing, max companies are using which database on db testing.... sql sever or my sql or sql-oracle?
Hi frnz!! Can we do the Testing without writing Test Cases, but only posting the bugs in the BMS?
14 Answers HCL, JPMorgan Chase,
how to test a shopping cart website manually...?
In Agile process, If you have not completed task in the Sprint time, How do you complete the task or do you add the task to next sprint.
Is an "A fast database retrieval rate" a testable requirement?
what is cvs in testing
Q) A hotel telephone sys can perform 3 functions . Call another hotel room by entering a room number(201 to 500) . Call an external line by entering a 9, followed by the number. . call various hotel services 0=operator, 7=room service 8=reception. Write sets of test cases to adequately test this telephone system
if my documents (SRS &FRS) having erros(does not meets) the requirements in that situation,which document i should take to write the testcases?(othere wise which steps i should take? Thanks In Advance
Written Paper at Net Solutions: 1) Difference between Smoke Testing and Sanity Testing. 2) Bug life cycle. 3) Write the steps followed in STLC in your company. 4) Define: 1) BVA (Boundary Value Analysis) 2) ECP (Equivalence Class Partitioning) 5) Write test cases for a login screen with following fields/buttons: Username: Password: Login (Button) Cancel (Button)
How will You select the regression testcase