What is a test log?
what is the template u used for informing clients regarding known issues when u near to release
Can any1 tell me suppose u r doing manual testing on unix platform with Shell Script, then how it is done? How u r implementing it & what is the use of Shell scripting on Manual Testing?
i have an iphone 4g can you tell me the test case for the camera?
what is cookies. how do we test the cookies
What is Bug Validation? What can be a different resultant after the same?
The Managment is saying Stop Testing immediately some reasons.... What will you do at that time....
hi,I want to learn testing concepts. But, actually, at least, I don't have basic knowledge about testing. but, my desire is to learn testing concepts. But, I don't know, which material is good?And which site is good to learn testing concepts. Please, could any one help me regarding this? If any one have good material with you, with out feel, kindly forward that material to me? Please, do this help for me. Thanks in Advance. my mail id is gopimanchella@gmail.com BEST REGARDS M.MurthySharma.
what is exception handling in winrunner?
what is volume,stress,load testing ?
Explain the difference between alpha testing and beta testing.
How to write test scenario for white board?What is scenario? pls explain me with example.
Difference between System Testing and System Intergration Testing(SIT) with Example