Once the build is given to the tester,what are the test he is going to conduct list them in chronological order .....its urgent
5 9026Write the test cases for sending a message through mobile phone (assuming all the scenarios )Its urgent .....
6 26328How do u Check sending a message Through mobile(it could be text msgs ,picture messages ,so that it should cover all the possible scenarios )Its urgent plzzzzzzzzzz,....
3 7731Can any1 tell me suppose u r doing manual testing on unix platform with Shell Script, then how it is done? How u r implementing it & what is the use of Shell scripting on Manual Testing?
3587pgm to find number of words starting with capital letters in a file(additional memory usage not allowed)(if a word starting with capital also next letter in word is capital cann't be counted twice)
1972pgm to find number of words starting with capital letters in a file(additional memory usage not allowed)(if a word starting with capital also next letter in word is capital cann't be counted twice)
2 15593Post New Subex Interview Questions
Define non-touching loop.
what does the rman-08147 warning signify when your environment has a goldengate capture processes configured?
How to perform bubble sort in java?
how to control-instance with serialno, and without Serial-no?
What is a one to many relationship in a database?
What is the weight of the earth?
Describethe log analytics?
how ratio is calculated for any grade of concrete. for e.g. sppose M20 requires(x;y:z) quantity of cememt sand and aggregate.
What is sosl?
Is the g in gnu silent?
Enlist few advantages of red hat linux?
How to detect if a non-menu key has been pressed?
What is unowned in swift?
What is double pointer in c?
Is jpa faster than jdbc?