what is the difference between a having clause and a where clause? : Sql dba
What is the difference between DELETE and TRUNCATE?
15 Answers Johns Hopkins University, Tech Mahindra,
Which software is used for pl sql programming?
What is difference between primary and secondary key?
What are the advantages of pl sql over sql?
how to select unique records from a table? : Sql dba
how to convert numeric values to character strings? : Sql dba
What is scalar and vector?
How to generate a salary slip like jan 1000 1000 feb 1000 2000 ... dec 1000 12000
ex: take one schema in that t1,t2,.....tn tables and you don't no the table name also. write a procedure if enter columns name then display the maching columns .otherwise display the unmatch columns.
Can We write bulk collect statement in triggers?
What do you mean by stored procedures? How do we use it?
GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE over Views in advantages insolving mutating error?