how to convert numeric values to character strings? : Sql dba
How exception handling is done in advance pl/sql?
How many sectors are in a partition?
Can we rollback truncate?
How One can easily select all even, odd, or Nth rows from a table using SQL queries?
What is a call statement? Explain with an example.
can sql servers linked to other servers like oracle? : Sql dba
how to shutdown mysql server? : Sql dba
What is the first action to perform a query? Suppose I have four tables and five joins and my query is getting slow day by day.
trans_id trans_date trans_amt debit_credit_indicator 001 01-JAN-13 1099 cr 001 12-JAN-13 500 db 002 24-FEB-13 400 db 002 23-MAR-13 345 cr 001 18-APR-13 800 cr 002 15-MAR-13 600 db 001 12-FEB-13 200 cr i want like this output trans_id trans_date trans_amt debit_credit_indicator 001 JAN 1599 cr no.of trans 2 i want trans_id and trans_date like 'JAN' or 'FEB' etc, trans_amt i want all credit amount - debit amount per each trans_id. and debit_credit_indicator and no.of transactions in a month.
What are the blocks in stored procedure?
Explain what is a view?
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51 Answers BirlaSoft, DAC, Silvia Infotech, Sutra Infotech,