what are the security recommendations while using mysql? : Sql dba
what is data integrity? : Sql dba
How is data stored in sql?
What is the maximum number of columns in sql table?
How to return more than one value from a function?
how can we write a column values horizontal by using sql stmt; ex: select name from table_name;(actual output) a b c d require output is a b c d
5 Answers Honeywell, Interact,
Can we rename a column in the output of sql query?
is mysql query is case sensitive? : Sql dba
wirte a query to remove null? following table are col1 col2 col3 dinesh null null null suresh null null null prakesh i want the output like col1 col2 col3 dinesh suresh prkaesh
What is transaction control language (tcl)?
What is sql entity?
What is the difference between DELETE, TRUNCATE, and DROP?
When we can declare a column as Unique and Not Null both at the same time. What is the use pf Primary Key then?
2 Answers Accenture, Unisoft Infotech,