is mysql query is case sensitive? : Sql dba
Explain the difference between cursor declared in procedures and cursors declared in the package specification?
How to get each name only once from an employee table?
Do we need to create index on primary key?
How do you get column names only for a table (sql server)?
What is a schema sql?
what is the need of the cursor attribute notfound..(because using found attribute we can complete the task......found + negation operator = not found )
While inserting 10 rows using procedure, if 3rd entry is having some error, what will be the output? How u will handle that error?
How to retrieve Duplicate Rows only in a Table? Suppose if a Table Name is "Education". It consists of multiple columns. Then if we insert rows into this table with duplicate records then how can we retrieve only duplicate records from that table?
28 Answers Alps, Aricent, Bank Of America, Wipro,
what is the functionality of the function htmlentities? : Sql dba
What are % TYPE and % ROWTYPE ? What are the advantages of using these over datatypes?
What are user defined functions?
Is record in pl sql?