What is the maximum number of columns in sql table?
What is bind variable in pl sql?
What is rtm stands for?
Name the operator which is used in the query for pattern matching?
When to use inner join and left join?
What are operators available in sql?
table having two columns - entity,zone enity zone pen east pen west pen north pen south pen east pencil east pencil east pencil west I want the output as : entity east west north south pen 2 1 1 1 pencil 2 1 0 0
We have a CURSOR then we need BULK COLLECT?
What is normalization? How many normalization forms are there?
How to take user input in pl sql?
Why do we need cursor in pl sql?
How to make a copy values from one column to another in sql?
I i have 2 tables A & B ,A contains 10 records B contains 20 records ,what w'll be the o/p if we perform equijoin,outer join,right outer join,left outer join,full outer join,cross join seperately Can anyone help on this?