what are all types of user defined functions? : Sql dba
What is Data Concarency and Consistency?
how to dump a table to a file with 'mysqldump'? : Sql dba
What are the different ddl commands in sql?
What is sqlcontext?
How are multiple column = value pairs delimited in the SET clause of an UPDATE statement? 1. With commas (SET price = 0, status = 'I') 2. With parentheses (SET (price = 0) (status = 'I')) 3. With double-pipes (SET price = 0 || status = 'I') 4. With square-brackets (SET [price = 0] [status = 'I'] 5. With single or multiple spaces (SET price = 0 status = 'I')
Is join an inner join?
Is sql a programming?
Can a table have two primary keys?
Which data type doesn't allow null data type?
What language is oracle sql developer?
What are sql built in functions?
which will default fire first statement level trigger or row level trigger
2 Answers Cap Gemini, Data Vision,