define join and explain different type of joins? : Sql dba
What language is oracle sql developer?
Are stored procedures faster than dynamic sql?
How many sql statements are used? Define them.
what is explain plan?
How to call shell script from pl sql procedure?
What is a self join ?
what is Hash join?how it is different from inner join?what is the sign used for inner join?(eg: like the (+) sign used for outer join)?
What is query syntax?
how to achieve this problem?i am having table with two colums like empno,gender. in gender column, i am having records male,female like that .my final output will be male female 5 6
If we update a complex view, is base table will get update ?
2 Answers Ardee Technologies, HCL,
what is data manipulation language? : Sql dba
What is the maximum number of triggers,can apply to a single table?