what is explain plan?

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what is explain plan?..

Answer / veereshkethari

The explain plan command is a tool to tune SQL statements.To
use if you must have an explain_table generated in the user
you are running the explain plan for.This is created by
using the utlxplan.sql script.once the explain plan table
exists u run the explain plan command giving as it's
argument the SQL statement to be explained.The explain_plan
table is then queried to see the execution plan of the
statement.Explain plan can also be run using tkprof.

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what is explain plan?..

Answer / sureshkumar.somayajula

Explain Plan determines the execution plan for SQL


expalin paln
set statement_id= ' Text '
for Statement.

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what is explain plan?..

Answer / b.v.srinivas

Explian plan describes the effective way to process sql
Explain plan is generated by Optimizer.
And explain plan is stored in library cache.

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what is explain plan?..

Answer / ashok

Explain plan shows the details of the joins cordinality and
time taken.we can easily find the what join is taking much
time in a SQL query. by clicking F5 you can see the explin
plan in PL/SQL developer.

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