What are the differences between Database Trigger and
Integrity constraints ?

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What are the differences between Database Trigger and Integrity constraints ?..

Answer / guest

An integrity constraint defines a business rule for a table
column which automatically takes care by Oracle internally.
Intefrity Constraints are NOT NULL,UNIQUE,CHECK ,PRIMARY

A database trigger is a procedure written in PL/SQL and
Will run implicitly when data is modified or when some user
or system actions occur.Triggers are database objects which
gets stored in database and get fires when INSERT or UPDATE
statement attempts to violate the integrity rule, Oracle
must roll back the statement and return an error if trigger
exists.Database triggers are BEFOR/AFTER/{BEFORE|AFTER}
{row|statement etc.

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What are the differences between Database Trigger and Integrity constraints ?..

Answer / rao

main diff is when we use the trigger voilation rules of
trigger body will not affect existing data.but in case of
constrinat will affect the exsting data also.

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What are the differences between Database Trigger and Integrity constraints ?..

Answer / kalyana chakravarthy

Intigrity constraints are Proactive-- Like they take the
cols into consideration before sitting on it like if U levy
a PK on a col having duplicate or null values it will not
obey to sit on that col

Triggers are reactive-- Triggres react only when a DML
occurs. When it comes and sit on a table then its starts
working and never considers what happened before it arrival

Both are used to perform business rules

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What are the differences between Database Trigger and Integrity constraints ?..

Answer / santu sarkar

1> A database trigger is written in PL/SQL. Integrity Constraints are CHECK Constraints, Not NULL, Unique key, primary key and foreign key.
2> Trigger will not affect the existing data. Constraint will affect the existing data.

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