How to get list of all tables from a database?
Use The Implicit cursor to Query The Department table information Where Deptno is 30.check,if no record was found then print "Record Was Not Found".Else Print Deptname And Ename.Dept table Have Dname Varchar2(20),Deptno Number,EnameVarchar2(20).Please Answer In 2 mins,with in Maximum 15 lines.
List out the acid properties and explain?
what is julian date in oracle
diff b/w sub query and co-relater query?
What is the difference between join and natural join?
What is user defined functions?
When we can declare a column as Unique and Not Null both at the same time. What is the use pf Primary Key then?
2 Answers Accenture, Unisoft Infotech,
What are the uses of merge?
How we get all_group_function's(Sum,avg,count,max and min_value of a column(Sal) Using pl/sql anonymous block, with out using group function's. You shouldn't use more than one select statement in entire the program. Like cursor c is select * from <table_name>; except this you can't use another select statement. You can use no of variables as per requirement.
How do I run a sql query?
What is nosql db?
how view used for security purposes?