How to find the number the number of Links, Brolken Links
in a webpage?
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By using childobject method
Set linkDescObj=description.Create()
Set Links=browser("Gmail: Email from Google").Page("Gmail -
Inbox -srikrishna").ChildObjects(linkDescObj)
msgbox NoOfLinks
For i=0 to NoOfLinks-1
msgbox linkName
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Answer /
Using page check points u can check no of links,broken
kinks in a page.
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Answer / less than you
Choose Standard check points either from Active screen or from keyword view, a Object selection properties box will appear from there select page (upper most) and click on OK.
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How to handle dynamic objects in quicktest professional (qtp)?
Hi frnds, does anybody know if there is anything called "thin point" or something in qtp? thanks in advance.
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Suppose Object name was changed in the application in the second build.I have just modified the name in the Object repository as changes in the Application. Is it possible to accure changes in the script accordingly? If so Suppose I am calling the script through function, Will the changes affect in the script(which is in the function)automatically? If not affected, tell me the solution,How to handle this. How should I change the object property name while using functions
How to Run a Test using QTP?
Will QTP Support Visual Foxpro Applications? If yes please tell me whether I need to install any additional addins for that?