supose i hv to acsess some functionlaties of a test in 1
machin , some part other machin how can acsess?
Which recording modes need more memory?
What is an Regular expression doing in VBScript?Tell the pattern for the email verification.
How to Start recording using QTP?
plz anybody tell me how to explain the architecture of one particular project.plz give me answer for this.....RAJESH
I am using environment variable xml to give credenatials for login into unix. Is there any way we cam mask the password in the xml?
How to create Reusable and Multiple Actions?
what is key word driven frame work ? why it is called like that ? what is the diference between keyword driven and data driven frame work ?
examples of user definied functions? how to write user defined functions in qtp9.2?
How to record object in runtime. I am testing one Image website in which every time image change on home if i records the image list but during running image get change, and QTP gives error
How do you export an output to a excel sheet? Ex: I get my answer by using Msgbox"..." &R. How do I displayed the result of the Msgbox (such as R) to an excel sheet? Please let me know.Thanks
QTP in mumbai
What is Expert view?