List out the difference between union and union all in sql server?
system date format is "yy-mm-dd" "select getdate()" ----> 2009-01-24 20:03:28.513 if i write "select dateadd(dd,2,getdate()) ".it returns "2009-01-26 19:59:38.340" question is dat could it be possible to retrive da date in da format "26 jan 2009 ...."??
What factors you will consider calculating the storage requirement for that view?
Mention the command used to rename the database.
Explain the difference between primary keys and foreign keys?
What is difference between equi join and inner join?
Differentiate between SQL and ORACLE joins and write their syntax.
How to remove duplicate rows from table?
When multiple after triggers are attached to sql table, how to control the order of execution?
What is difference between drop truncate and delete?
What is a NOLOCK?
What happens if ntwdblib.dll is missing on your machine?
What is database replicaion? What are the different types of replication you can set up in SQL Server?
5 Answers Aptech, HCL, Perpetual, SAIC,