What is a NOLOCK?
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Answer / michael
applying nolock in select statement will increase
concurreny and performance in fetching.
it does'nt consider the transaction scenario, even if the
transaction is under process not yet commited or rollback
it will fetch the current record
begin tran
insert into tablename
select * from tablename with (nolock)
-- it will display the table with inserted record.
but the transaction is not completed, it can be rollback
so it became dirty read.
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Answer / naren
Using NOLOCK politely asks SQL Server to ignore locks and
read directly from the tables. This means you completely
circumvent the lock system, which is a major performance
and scalability improvement. However, you also completely
circumvent the lock system, which means your code is living
dangerously. You might read the not-necessarily-valid
uncommitted modifications of a running transaction. This is
a calculated risk.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 19 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / guest
Do not issue shared locks and do not honor exclusive locks.
When this option is in effect, it is possible to read an
uncommitted transaction or a set of pages that are rolled
back in the middle of a read. Dirty reads are possible. Only
applies to the SELECT statement.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 16 Yes | 3 No |
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