What is database replicaion? What are the different types of replication you can set up in SQL Server?
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What is the default left margin in word 2010 document?
Which type of column should i use to check the purity of high molecular weight protein using HPLC reverse phase column chromatography? Hi everyone. I wanna to check the purity of high molecular weight protein (collagen) with MW of ~130 kDa using a HPLC. I know C18
What is client mode in spark?
Finally, we want to ask that why you have chosen the field of cardiologist?
Hello, IBM InfoShere DataStage and InfoShere Federation Server are midleware used to work between different databases located on different machines? I need a middleware that connects the databases that I have installed as I explain below: oracle on N.A. aix 6.1 on a Power 6 db2 on N.A. aix 5.3 on a Power 5
What is pg server?
What is recovery parameters in define cluster command?
What are php strings?
What is a Raspberry Pi?
What are the steps to create DB connect?
What is the primitive type byte?
How to create a new storage account and container using Power Shell?
How to test database in manually? Explain with an example?
Explain demographic parity and its importance in AI fairness.
what is the difference between Mage::getModel() and Mage::getSingletone() in Magento?