What will you get by the cursor attribute sql%found?
What is dml and ddl?
How can we find duplicate records in a table?
how do you restrict number of rows for a particular value in a column.For example:there is a table called fruits,having apples,bananas ,papayas.I dont want to have more than 100 apples in that table ,so how can u restrict number of rows for apple to hundred?
In what condition is it good to disable a trigger?
What are the advantages and disadvantages, compared to the standard SQL and SQL*plus ?
What are two virtual tables available during database trigger execution ?
how to get a list of columns in an existing table? : Sql dba
what are set operators in sql? : Sql dba
Explain foreign key in sql?
How can i insert data inro a table with 3 columns using FORALL?
Can we join tables without foreign key?
what is the difference between rownum pseudo column and row_number() function? : Sql dba