what are set operators in sql? : Sql dba
How can check sql version from command line?
What is dcl in sql?
Why primary key is required?
what is sql? : Sql dba
How to place comments in pl/sql?
What are records give examples?
1. is it possible to use the cursor atttibutes (%found ,% rowcount , %isopen , %notfound ) to our user defined cursor names ....... cursor cursor_name is select * from scott.emp if you use... cursor_name%found , %rowcount ,%isopen,%notfound...will it work... -------------------------- 2.what is the difference between the varray and index by table .. -------- 3. type type_name is table of number(8,3) index by binary_integer; identifier_name type_name; first , last , prior , next ,trim are the methods we can use it for the above type...simillary is there any way to apply for cursors... with thanks and regards..sarao...
How do I get sql certification?
What are indexes, and what are the different types?
Explain what is table in a database?
Can we join more than 2 tables in sql?
what is a constraint? Tell me about its various levels. : Sql dba