how to get a list of columns in an existing table? : Sql dba
Write a sql select query that only returns each name only once from a table?
how can you create an empty table from an existing table? : Sql dba
What is the sql*loader? : aql loader
What is a procedure in pl sql?
How to call DDL statements from pl/sql?
how i do the database testing of online money transactions between two parties (client and organization). suppose our company makes a website for our client and give a extra feature of online money transaction with there clients then how i test this feature in database testing
What is the difference between alter trigger and drop trigger statements?
How do I create a memory optimized filegroup?
How to find the count of letter "L" in HELLO
What are all ddl commands?
what is heap table? : Sql dba
what are the authentication modes in sql server? : Sql dba