What is the difference between d-latch and d flip-flop?
Why do we use FM for sound and AM for video in TV transmisssion?
write a program which calculates the frequency of a number between n maximum number
In a mosfet, what does the pinch off voltage refers to?
.We want to compare the performance of a single threaded disk server with a multithreaded 1. Suppose the server takes 25 ms to receive a request for work from client, dispatch the request for processing and actual data request processing when reqd. Data is in main memory. If the reqd. Data is not in the main memory a real disk operation is needed and an additional 75 ms are reqd. On the average. On the average 25% of the clients requests access the disk. During the disk I/O period the thread waits. Assume that there is no other process in system when the server is running. How many requests can the server handle per second if its a)single threaded b)multithreaded
write a program in c++ for finding the given no. is odd or even without using any airthmatic operater?
sir i am completed B.E in 2006 i wrote RRb Section Engineer Exams two times .how to prepare and how is ask previous question paper some previous question paper send through mail id
What is DNS server and resolver
How can we know the Watts for pc,lcd, ....etc without using specificaation manual please give reply thanks.
I applied for Airport Authority of india's Jr Executive (Electronics & ATC).So please anybody Guide & Send me the Previous Questions and syllabus of written Test? My mailID :anshuljaineng@yahoo.co.in
Draw the basic structure of an n channel junction field effect transistor.
Explain the primary advantage of multiplexing?
plzz send in detail with answers of rrb section engineers model paper to my mail id sir.