Explain the primary advantage of multiplexing?
Why use -48v power to BTS
what is different between three phase balanced and three phase unbalanced load with chart.?
How to Create the HWC file with 2+2+2, 4+8, 6+6 Configuration (manually Cabling)
What is meant by commutation?
1KVA UPS Output= 800KVA or 1KVA Plese clarify this teerm
Distinguish between Angle modulation and Amplitude modulation.
How many types of Registers are there in 8086 Microprocessors?
why we are going for coding in communication signals?
what are components used in LED message display board
what is the purpose to give two power supply to opamp ie. +Vcc & -Vee?
convert 21 kva into kw
7805 working? why are 2 capacitors used in the circuit? can 2 diodes be used for making 5v supply?