What are the advantages and disadvantages of the dc motors?
what is the difference between UPS and INVERTER?
what is the working of loss of excitation relay (40G)? how it is work?
Two bulbs of 100w and 40w respectively connected in series across a 230v supply which bulb will glow bright and why?
is that any software calculator to calculate the size of cable
what is the load amp of a 2 hp single phase motor?
when ac current flows thru d coil of a contactr,it energizes,magnetic field attracts d contact of the coil...nw wont dt ac current in d contct induce current back on to d coil thru mutual inductance leading to high currnt in d coil
Hello Guys !! i want to rrb section engineer electrical(signal) previous model papers? any body help me?
What is the one main difference between ups & inverter ? And electrical engineering & electronics engineering ?
what is thresold of perception
why insulation cost is more in underground cable than in overhead line?
in three 3.5 core aluminium ug cable. one cable is used for one phase by shrting R,Y and B wires and other 2 cables used for Y and b phases. balace 3 neutral wires are made common and connected to load. suddenly neutral current was more than line current what is the reason behind this?
how we can convert 3 phase to single phase without using any transformer