What are the temperature elements?
What happens if i apply 500V to 440V rotary Switch ?
What is magneto on a gas generator. how it functions. its out put is d.c or a.c. how it can be checked for correct functioning
what is d main difference between KVA and KWA
which turbine has high thermal efficiency a)open gas turbine b)close gas turbine
Why VCB and SF6 breakers to be used in HT used by cant ACB of higher rating to be used for 11kv and 33kv.
difference between slippring induction motor and Generator?
what is effect of brush shift in machine?
what is voltage ?
why ac supply neutral should earth not in dc (-)
what is the difference between earthing and unearth
What is the need for a controller?
1.How to calculate backup time from series connected battery of 12v dc with 26Ah for 2battery?