What are unstable systems?
Why the power generated in dams is complex power? Why the generators in dams cannot produce Real power directly (i.e power which has zero reactive part)?
what precautions to be taken while desigining a LT,HT panel. Eg-LT panel PCC panel with ACB installed. HT panel VCB panel with VCB installed. & what is main diffrence betwn IP54 & IP55 construction of panel.
In Single Phase AC Supply,If Voltage between Phase and Neutral is 230V means what will be the Voltage between Phase and Earth?
what is use of starter motor in DG ?
why t/f are rated in kva. is it conserned with p.f.
How do you protect your appliances from harm in case of neutral failure in a three phase power supply set up.
why we test the core balance of the transformer?
what is transformar load balancing ?
what is the form factor of DC?
How many lightning arrestors to be installed on 50MX60MX10M building and is there any formular for that?
what is under coal gassification?
What is the SPEED of electricity?