Your sql server is running out of disk space. You notice that there are several large files with ldf extensions what are these files?
What is Schema? and why we use schemas?
Explain about SQL server 2005?
what is a transaction and what are acid properties? : Sql server database administration
How to work on DTS?what is the main requirement?
What is the need for group functions in sql?
Tell me what is the significance of null value and why should we avoid permitting null values?
What is the advantage of sql server?
How does recursive cte works in sql server?
What are filegroups in sql server?
What is usually the first word in a sql query?
What is a schema in ms sql server 2005?
Hi, I Created 3 Tables Person(PersID[prkey],Name,Email,Password), Project(ProjName,ProjID[prkey],ProjLeader,ProjManager) & ProjectInvolvement(EntryDate,ProjID[frkey],PersID[frkey],ProjDuration). For this how can i INSERT,UPDATE & DELETE Through PROCEDURE? Please Post the Answer for me. Desai.