What is Schema? and why we use schemas?

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What is Schema? and why we use schemas?..

Answer / veeresh kethari

Schema is a collection of database objects.Using database
objects will manage the data in the database.

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What is Schema? and why we use schemas?..

Answer / debasish nanda

A schema is a mental structure we use to organize and simplify our knowledge of the world around us. We have schemas about ourselves, other people, mechanical devices, food, and in fact almost everything.
Schemas can be related to one another, sometimes in a hierarchy (so a salesman is a man is a human).
Using it:
Find people's schemas around the area of interest, then either create trust by utilizing their schema or reframe to change their schema.

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What is Schema? and why we use schemas?..

Answer / a.suresh

initial of the table is called schema.for using the
functions and other database table we are using schemas

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What is Schema? and why we use schemas?..

Answer / manoj

overall view of database

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