How does recursive cte works in sql server?
How can I tell if sql server is 32 or 64 bit?
What is the maximum size of a dimension? : sql server analysis services, ssas
What is page-level compression?
What is a trigger? Why we need it?
What are number line correlation administrators will use while working with a subquery?
What are the different types of lock modes in sql server 2000?
How do I view views in sql server?
I applied Transactional with updatable subscriptions replication on 2 tables now i want to delete those 2 tables but i cannot delete those tables as replication is running how can i stop replication for those 2 tables(but i don't want to delete those replicated tables but i need to stop the replication) how can i do that
What are the different types of sql server replication? : sql server replication
can you any body tell me why are go for the rebuild the master database.what is the reason?
What are the High-Availability solutions in SQL Server and differentiate them briefly?
Why and when do stored procedure recompile?