I Created 3 Tables
Project(ProjName,ProjID[prkey],ProjLeader,ProjManager) &
For this how can i INSERT,UPDATE & DELETE Through PROCEDURE?
Please Post the Answer for me.
How to use subqueries with the exists operators in ms sql server?
can you anybody tell me the how can you restore the master database. while migraion(one server to onther server)?
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Define full outer join?
Where can you find the error log information? : sql server database administration
I have Two table First have UserName and second is address, in address table more than value relegated to UserName table, i want to fetch 2nd address if exist other wise 1st address access
What is pessimistic concurrency?
How many columns can exist together per table?
how to find the second salary?
Define compound operators?
What is a linked server in sql server?
What is normalization of database? What are its benefits?