what is spatial nonclustered index
What is executereader?
how to update a null value field in sql server eg a table contains 3 fields id,name,salary and 3 records salary of 1 record is null i want update the nullfield 111 arun 300 112 ddd 200 113 ttt null i want to update table with add 100 to every record include null after updation the recrds should be 111 arun 400 112 ddd 300 113 ttt 100
What is abstracting periodical?
What is the log shipping?
when u import an excel file into sql if suppose one column has got a date field with system time attached to it what data type u will use in sql to import it in a table? Note: a condition is the excel file has no primary key defined to a column...also u r importing bulk data into sql
What to perform pattern match with the like operator?
what is Full Text Search ?
Give a example to search fr a string in all stored procedure in sql server.
What are the differences in Clustering in SQL Server 2005 and 2008 or 2008 R2?
Why would you use sql agent?
Can another user execute your local temporary stored procedures?
Define outer join?