how to update a null value field in sql server

a table contains 3 fields id,name,salary
and 3 records
salary of 1 record is null
i want update the nullfield

111 arun 300
112 ddd 200
113 ttt null
i want to update table with add 100 to every record include null
after updation
the recrds should be
111 arun 400
112 ddd 300
113 ttt 100

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how to update a null value field in sql server eg a table contains 3 fields id,name,salary and ..

Answer / ganapathi

solution 1:
update table_name set
salary = isnull(salary,0) + 100

solution 2:
update table_name set
salary = case when
salary is null then 100
else salary + 100

Is This Answer Correct ?    49 Yes 1 No

how to update a null value field in sql server eg a table contains 3 fields id,name,salary and ..

Answer / ganesh.k

UPDATE Table_Name SET Salary = COALESCE(Salary,0) + 100


UPDATE Table_Name SET Salary = ISNULL(Salary,0) + 100

Is This Answer Correct ?    15 Yes 2 No

how to update a null value field in sql server eg a table contains 3 fields id,name,salary and ..

Answer / mohan

create table #temp (eid int, names varchar(10),sal int)

insert into #temp values (111, 'arun', 300)
insert into #temp values(112, 'ddd', 200)

insert into #temp values(113,'ttt',null)

select * from #temp

update #temp
set sal = isnull(sal,0)+ 100

select * from #temp

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 2 No

how to update a null value field in sql server eg a table contains 3 fields id,name,salary and ..

Answer / mohan

update #temp
set sal = COALESCE(sal+100,100)

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 1 No

how to update a null value field in sql server eg a table contains 3 fields id,name,salary and ..

Answer / justus

update tablename set salary=100 where salary is null

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 10 No

how to update a null value field in sql server eg a table contains 3 fields id,name,salary and ..

Answer / dinesh sharma

It Simple
Just Write Down The Query
update table_Name set salary=100 where salary is null

Is This Answer Correct ?    12 Yes 28 No

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