What is executereader?
How many types of cursors are there in SQL Server?
5 Answers 247Customer, CarrizalSoft Technologies,
How can we rewrite sub-queries into simple select statements or with joins?
How to use wildcard characters in like operations in ms sql server?
What is the difference between commit and rollback?
What is the difference between IN and EXISTS operators in SQL Server?
9 Answers ASD Lab, CSC, Intelligroup,
Wht is SQL Injection Attack ?
How do I view a stored procedure in sql server?
How do you implement one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to- many relationships while designing tables?
4 Answers Credit Suisse, GCU, Symphony, TCS,
What happens if strings are casted into wrong code pages in ms sql server?
How to check status of stored procedure in sql server?
What is raiseerror? What is raiseerror?
If suppose in a table ship(name,year),find ship name having first and last name(i.e having space in between) ex: SAINT LOUIS,JET LAKE.