what is Full Text Search ?

what is Full Text Search ?..

Answer / raj

SQL Server 2008 provides the functionality for applications
and users to issue full-text queries against character-based
data in SQL Server tables. Before full-text queries can be
run on a given table, the database administrator must create
a full-text index on the table. The full-text index includes
one or more character-based columns in the table. These
columns can have any of the following data types: char,
varchar, nchar, nvarchar, text, ntext, image, xml,
varbinary, or varbinary(max). Each full-text index indexes
one or more columns from the base table, and each column can
have a specific language. Beginning in SQL Server 2008,
full-text search supports more than 50 diverse languages,
such as English, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic,
Bengali, and Hindi. For a complete list of the supported
full-text languages, see sys.fulltext_languages (Transact-

For each supported language, SQL Server provides language-
specific linguistic components, including a word breaker and
stemmer and an empty thesaurus file. For each full-text
language, SQL Server also provides a file in which you can
optionally define language-specific synonyms to extend the
scope of search queries (a thesaurus file). In addition,
beginning in SQL Server 2008, a system stoplist is provided.
To support specific language or business scenarios, you can
alter the system stoplist by adding and removing stopwords
(also known as noise words), and you can create additional
stoplists as needed.

For writing full-text queries, SQL Server provides a set of
full-text predicates (CONTAINS and FREETEXT) and rowset-
valued functions (CONTAINSTABLE and FREETEXTTABLE). Using
these, applications and users can perform a variety of types
of full-text searches, such as searching on a single word or
phrase (and optionally ranking the result set), searching on
a word or phrase close to another word or phrase, or
searching on synonymous forms of a specific word.

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